“Modern Art” Made in AI

A couple of days ago a friend of mine sent me a link with an AI algorithm that converts words into images. One of the first words I tried was, of course, Malevich, one of the most important artists of the 20th century modern art whose works I copied in the early 1980 looking in the reproductions from the various art books. So I typed the word “malevich” and after few seconds on the screen appeared nine images that looked like works by Malevich, but I immediately realized that something was not right. None of the “works” on the screen were by Malevich known to me, but in fact those were some kind of Malevich’s look a likes generated now by AI algorithm for the first time. As I did some copies of Malevich long time ago, it occurred to me that it might be interesting and even a bit absurd to now copy some of these AI generated “Malevichs”.

What was Modern Art? 

What was Modern Art? is an ethnographic exhibition about an exhibition  „What is Modern Art?“ that took place in Berlin twelve years ago(2006). It observes this exhibition as a cultural event through an exhibition as a medium.

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